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Data Table Schemas

Data table schemas are specified in JSON and are compatible with the frictionless data table schema standards.

Event Tables

Fare Transactions


Timestamped fare transaction, associated with devices.

Primary key: {transaction_id}

name constraints type description rdfType title
transaction_id Required
string Identifies the fare transaction.
service_date Required
date Service date. References GTFS
event_timestamp Required
datetime Recorded event timestamp, including for transactions that may be aggregated values associated with a trip or vehicle.
location_ping_id string Identifies the vehicle location where the fare transaction occurred ID referencing vehicle_locations.location_ping_id
amount Required
number Value of the transaction.
currency_type string Currency used for the transaction. References GTFS
fare_action Required
Allowed Values
- Unknown action type
- Purchase
- Enter
- Exit
- Transfer entrance
- Transfer exit
- Add
- New
- Capture
- Extend
- Combine
- Void
- Activate
- Adjust
- Other
string Indicates the type of action performed.
Unknown action type: the action type is unknown or missing
Purchase: purchase a new card, ticket, pass, or other fare product
Enter: enter a fare-controlled area or vehicle
Exit: exit a fare-controlled area or vehicle
Transfer entrance: enter a fare-controlled area or vehicle at no charge due to network or fare policy rules, such as a desginated free transfer at two nearby fare-controlled stations
Transfer exit: exit a fare-controlled area or vehicle at no charge due to network or fare policy rules, such as a desginated free transfer at two nearby fare-controlled stations
Add: add stored value or stored rides to an existing fare instrument
New: obtain a new fare instrument
Capture: the device confiscated or retained the fare instrument
Extend: extend a fare product’s temporal validity
Combine: combine two or more fare instruments or products into one
Void: void, cancel, negate, or undo a previous fare transaction
Activate: make a fare product active for travel
Adjust: credit or debit a fare instrument to balance an earlier transaction
Other: other action not included in this enumeration
trip_id_performed string Identifies the trip performed. May be null if the fare collection device is NOT located on a vehicle. May be null if on a vehicle but trip-level data is unavailable, in which case the data would be associated with the vehicle. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_performed
trip_id_scheduled string Identifies the scheduled trip. May be null if the fare collection device is NOT located on a vehicle. May be null if on a vehicle but schedule data is unavailable, in which case the data would be associated with the vehicle. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_scheduled
pattern_id string Identifies the unique stop-path for a trip, may be distinct from GTFS shapes.shape_id unique identifier for the route-pattern
minimum: 1

integer The actual order of stops visited within a performed trip. The values must start at 1 and must be consecutive along the trip.
Example: A bus departs the first stop and detours around the second and third scheduled stops, visiting one unscheduled stop and resuming regular service at the 4th scheduled stop. The scheduled_stop_sequence is [1, null, 4], and the trip_stop_sequence is [1, 2, 3].
Positive integer referencing stop_visits.trip_stop_sequence
minimum: 0

integer Scheduled order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. References GTFS positive integer referencing GTFS stop_times.stop_sequence
vehicle_id string Identifies the vehicle. May be null if collection device is NOT located on a vehicle. May be null if on a vehicle but vehicle data is unavailable, in which case the data would be associated with a trip and/or stop. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
device_id string Identifies the ITS device on which the fare transaction was performed. May be null if only a single device is reporting fare transactions on a vehicle and vehicle_id is provided. May be null if only a single device is reporting fare transactions at a stop and stop_id is provided. ID referencing devices.device_id
fare_id string Identifies a fare class, as included in the GTFS Fare_attributes file. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS fare_attributes.fare_id
stop_id string Identifies the stop. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
minimum: 0

integer The number of riders included in the transaction.
fare_media_id Allowed Values
- Cash or coins
- Smart card or ticket
- Magnetic-stripe card or ticket
- Bank card
- Mobile NFC
- Optical scan
- Button pressed by driver or operator to indicate a boarding or alighting passenger.
- Other type

string Indicates the fare medium that was used for the transaction.
rider_category string Indicates rider category (categories defined by transit agency). For example:
Other reduced
fare_product string Indicates the fare group (fare groups defined by transit agency). For example:
Single ride
Employer sponsored
Other pass
fare_period string Indicates the fare period (fare periods defined by transit agency). For example:
All day
fare_capped Required
boolean Indicates if the fare charged in this transaction was modified by a fare capping policy.
token_id string Identifies the individual fare instrument used for the transaction. For example, the fare card ID.
balance number Stored value remaining on an account after the transaction is made.

Passenger Events


Timestamped passenger-related events, including boardings and alightings.

Primary key: {passenger_event_id}

name constraints type description title
passenger_event_id Required
string Identifies the recorded passenger event.
service_date Required
date Service date. References GTFS
event_timestamp Required
datetime Recorded event timestamp.
location_ping_id string Identifies the vehicle location where the passenger event occurred ID referencing vehicle_locations.location_ping_id
trip_id_performed string Identifies the trip performed. If trips_performed table is used, this must be populated in order to link to it. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_performed
trip_id_scheduled string Identifies the scheduled trip. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_scheduled
trip_stop_sequence Required

minimum: 1
integer The actual order of stops visited within a performed trip. The values must start at 1 and must be consecutive along the trip.
Example: A bus departs the first stop and detours around the second and third scheduled stops, visiting one unscheduled stop and resuming regular service at the 4th scheduled stop. The scheduled_stop_sequence is [1, null, 4], and the trip_stop_sequence is [1, 2, 3].
Positive integer referencing stop_visits.trip_stop_sequence
minimum: 0
integer Scheduled order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. References GTFS positive integer referencing GTFS stop_times.stop_sequence
event_type Required
Allowed Values
- Vehicle arrived at stop
- Vehicle departed stop
- Door opened
- Door closed
- Passenger boarded
- Passenger alighted
- Kneel was engaged
- Kneel was disengaged
- Ramp was deployed
- Ramp was raised
- Ramp deployment failed
- Lift was deployed
- Lift was raised
- Individual bike boarded
- Individual bike alighted
- Bike rack deployed
string Indicates the type of event recorded.
vehicle_id Required
string Identifies a vehicle. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
device_id string Identifies the device that recorded the event. May be null if only a single device is reporting passenger events on a vehicle/ train car and the device_id is not distinct from vehicle_id/train_car_id. ID referencing devices.device_id
train_car_id string Identifies the train car. ID referencing train_cars.train_car_id
stop_id string Identifies the stop the vehicle is serving. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
pattern_id string Identifies the unique stop-path for a trip, may be distinct from GTFS shapes.shape_id unique identifier for the route-pattern
minimum: 0
integer Count for this event, e.g., 3 for a Passenger Boarding event with 3 boardings, default is 1 Event count

Vehicle Locations


Timestamped vehicle locations and speeds.

Primary key: {location_ping_id}

name constraints type description title
location_ping_id Required
string Identifies the recorded vehicle location event.
service_date date Service date. References GTFS
event_timestamp Required
datetime Recorded event timestamp.
trip_id_performed string Identifies the trip performed. If trips_performed table is used, this must be populated in order to link to it. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_performed
trip_id_scheduled string Identifies the scheduled trip. ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_scheduled
minimum: 1
integer The actual order of stops visited within a performed trip. The values must start at 1 and must be consecutive along the trip.
Example: A bus departs the first stop and detours around the second and third scheduled stops, visiting one unscheduled stop and resuming regular service at the 4th scheduled stop. The scheduled_stop_sequence is [1, null, 4], and the trip_stop_sequence is [1, 2, 3].
Positive integer referencing stop_visits.trip_stop_sequence
minimum: 0
integer Scheduled order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. References GTFS positive integer referencing GTFS stop_times.stop_sequence
vehicle_id Required
string Identifies a vehicle. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
device_id string Identifies the device that recorded the vehicle location. May be null if only a single device is reporting vehicle location and the device_id is not distinct from vehicle_id. ID references devices.device_id
pattern_id string Identifies the unique stop-path for a trip, may be distinct from GTFS shapes.shape_id unique identifier for the route-pattern
stop_id string Identifies the stop the vehicle is approaching or serving currently. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
current_status Allowed Values
- Incoming at
- Stopped at
- In transit to
string Indicates the status of the vehicle in reference to a stop. References GTFS-Realtime
minimum: -90
maximum: 90
number Degrees North, in the WGS-84 coordinate system. References GTFS-Realtime
minimum: -180
maximum: 180
number Degrees East, in the WGS-84 coordinate system. References GTFS-Realtime
gps_quality Allowed Values
- Excellent
- Good
- Poor
string Indicates the quality of data and communication provided by the GPS.
minimum: 0
maximum: 360
number Heading, in degrees, clockwise from true north, e.g., 0 would mean north and 90 would mean east. This can be the compass bearing, or the direction towards the next stop or intermediate location. This should not be deduced from the sequence of previous positions, which clients can compute from previous data. References GTFS-Realtime
minimum: 0
number Momentary speed measured by the vehicle, in meters per second. References GTFS-Realtime
minimum: 0
number Odometer value, in meters. References GTFS-Realtime
schedule_deviation integer Indicates schedule adherence in seconds. A negative value represents an early vehicle. (An unscheduled trip would not have a scheduled deviation.)
headway_deviation integer Indicates headway adherence in seconds. A negative value represents a shorter than scheduled headway.
trip_type Allowed Values
- In service
- Deadhead
- Layover
- Pullout
- Pullin
- Extra Pullout
- Extra Pullin
- Deadhead To Layover
- Deadhead From Layover
- Other not in service
string Indicates status of travel with regard to service.
schedule_relationship Allowed Values
- Scheduled
- Skipped
- Added
- Missing
string Indicates the status of the stop.

Summary Tables

Station Activities


Summarized transactions, entries, and exits by stop or station and time period for each service date (for events not associated with a trip).

Primary key: {time_period_start, service_date, time_period_end, stop_id}

name constraints type description title
service_date Required
date Service date
stop_id Required
string Identifies stop. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
time_period_start Required
datetime Aggregation period start time.
time_period_end Required
datetime Aggregation period end time.
time_period_category string Indicates a standard time period to aid further aggregation. For example:
All day
minimum: 0
integer Number of events at the stop considered entries, such as boardings or fare transactions.
minimum: 0
integer Number of events at the stop considered exits, such as alightings.
minimum: 0
integer Number of fare transactions that occurred at a stop.
minimum: 0
integer Number of bikes that entered the stop.
minimum: 0
integer Number of bikes that exited the stop.
minimum: 0
integer Number of entries that used a ramp or accessible entrance.
minimum: 0
integer Number of exits that used a ramp or accessible exit.

Stop Visits


Summarized boarding, alighting, arrival, departure, and other events (kneel engaged, ramp deployed, etc.) by trip and stop for each service date.

Primary key: {service_date, trip_id_performed, trip_stop_sequence}

name constraints type description title
service_date Required
date Service date. References GTFS indirectly via calendars.txt and calendar_dates.txt
trip_id_performed Required
string Identifies the trip performed ID referencing trips_performed.trip_id_performed
trip_stop_sequence Required

minimum: 1
integer The actual order of stops visited within a performed trip. The values must start at 1 and must be consecutive along the trip.
Example: A bus departs the first stop and detours around the second and third scheduled stops, visiting one unscheduled stop and resuming regular service at the 4th scheduled stop. The scheduled_stop_sequence is [1, null, 4], and the trip_stop_sequence is [1, 2, 3].
minimum: 0
integer Scheduled order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. References GTFS positive integer referencing GTFS stop_times.stop_sequence
pattern_id string Identifies the unique stop-path for a trip, may be distinct from GTFS shapes.shape_id unique identifier for the route-pattern
vehicle_id string Identifies the vehicle. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
minimum: 0
integer Indicates the amount of time a vehicle spent stopped at a stop in seconds.
stop_id string Identifies the stop. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
timepoint boolean Indicates if the stop should be used for evaluating schedule adherence, on-time performance, and other KPIs. This could be populated to match the GTFS “timepoint” field.
schedule_arrival_time datetime Scheduled timestamp at which the vehicle arrives at a stop. References GTFS
schedule_departure_time datetime Scheduled timestamp at which the vehicle departs from a stop. References GTFS
actual_arrival_time datetime Timestamp at which the vehicle arrives at a stop.
actual_departure_time datetime Timestamp at which the vehicle departs from a stop.
minimum: 0
integer Observed distance in meters from the previous stop traveled by the vehicle.
minimum: 0
integer Number of riders who entered through the vehicle’s front doors (in vehicles with doors opening on only one side, or when passengers primarily board through the front, as is typical with buses) or the vehicle’s right doors (in vehicles with doors on both sides, or when passengers board through all doors, as is typical with trains).
minimum: 0
integer Number of riders who exited through the vehicle’s front doors (in vehicles with doors opening on only one side, or when passengers primarily board through the front, as is typical with buses) or the vehicle’s right doors (in vehicles with doors on both sides, or when passengers board through all doors, as is typical with trains).
minimum: 0
integer Number of riders who entered through other doors, such as a bus’s rear door when boarding_1 captures the front door, or a train’s left doors when boarding_1 captures right doors.
minimum: 0
integer Number of riders who exited through other doors, such as a bus’s rear door when alighting_1 captures the front door, or a train’s left doors when alighting_1 captures right doors.
minimum: 0
integer Number of riders on the vehicle when departing the stop.
door_open datetime Timestamp at which the doors opened.
door_close datetime Timestamp at which the doors closed.
door_status Allowed Values
- Doors did not open
- Front door opened and back doors remain closed
- Back doors opened and front door remained closed
- All doors opened
- Other configuration
string Indicates actions of the doors during the stop visit.
minimum: 0
number Duration of time a ramp is deployed, in seconds.
ramp_failure boolean Indicates if the ramp deployment failed at a stop.
minimum: 0
number Duration of time a kneel is deployed in seconds.
minimum: 0
number Duration of time in seconds of time a lift is deployed.
bike_rack_deployed boolean Indicates if the bike rack was deployed at a stop.
minimum: 0
integer Number of bikes on the vehicle when departing the stop.
revenue number Amount of revenue collected at the stop.
minimum: 0
integer Number of fare transactions that occurred at a stop.
schedule_relationship Allowed Values
- Scheduled
- Skipped
- Added
- Missing
string Indicates the status of the stop.

Trips Performed


Trips performed for each service date.

Primary key: {service_date, trip_id_performed}

name constraints type description title
service_date Required
date Service date. References GTFS
trip_id_performed Required
string Uniquely identifies the trip performed. It must be unique for a service_date (and it can optionally be unique across all time). It does not have to equal trip_id_scheduled.
vehicle_id Required
string Identifies the vehicle. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
trip_id_scheduled string Identifies the scheduled trip associated with the trip performed. One scheduled trip may be associated with multiple operated trips, or an operated trip may not be associated with a scheduled trip. References GTFS. If this trip was published in GTFS Schedule, this value should be consistent with the GTFS trip_id. If this trip was not scheduled, the value should be Null. ID referencing GTFS trips.trip_id
route_id string Identifies the route. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS routes.route_id
route_type Allowed Values
- Tram / Streetcar / Light rail
- Subway / Metro
- Rail
- Bus
- Ferry
- Cable tram
- Aerial lift
- Funicular
- Trolleybus
- Monorail
- Railway Service
- High Speed Rail Service
- Long Distance Trains
- Inter Regional Rail Service
- Car Transport Rail Service
- Sleeper Rail Service
- Regional Rail Service
- Tourist Railway Service
- Rail Shuttle (Within Complex)
- Suburban Railway
- Replacement Rail Service
- Special Rail Service
- Lorry Transport Rail Service
- All Rail Services
- Cross-Country Rail Service
- Vehicle Transport Rail Service
- Rack and Pinion Railway
- Additional Rail Service
- Coach Service
- International Coach Service
- National Coach Service
- Shuttle Coach Service
- Regional Coach Service
- Special Coach Service
- Sightseeing Coach Service
- Tourist Coach Service
- Commuter Coach Service
- All Coach Services
- Urban Railway Service
- Metro Service
- Underground Service
- All Urban Railway Services
- Bus Service
- Regional Bus Service
- Express Bus Service
- Stopping Bus Service
- Local Bus Service
- Night Bus Service
- Post Bus Service
- Special Needs Bus
- Mobility Bus Service
- Mobility Bus for Registered Disabled
- Sightseeing Bus
- Shuttle Bus
- School Bus
- School and Public Service Bus
- Rail Replacement Bus Service
- Demand and Response Bus Service
- All Bus Services
- Trolleybus Service
- Tram Service
- City Tram Service
- Local Tram Service
- Regional Tram Service
- Sightseeing Tram Service
- Shuttle Tram Service
- All Tram Services
- Water Transport Service
- Air Service
- Ferry Service
- Aerial Lift Service
- Telecabin Service
- Cable Car Service
- Elevator Service
- Chair Lift Service
- Drag Lift Service
- Small Telecabin Service
- All Telecabin Services
- Funicular Service
- Taxi Service
- Communal Taxi Service
- Water Taxi Service
- Rail Taxi Service
- Bike Taxi Service
- Licensed Taxi Service
- Private Hire Service Vehicle
- All Taxi Services
- Miscellaneous Service
- Horse-drawn Carriage
string Indicates the type of transportation used on a route. References GTFS routes.route_type including Google’s Extended Route Types GTFS extension
ntd_mode Allowed Values
- Aerial Tramway
- Alaska Railroad
- Bus
- Bus Rapid Transit
- Cable Car
- Commuter Bus
- Commuter Rail
- Demand Response
- Demand Taxi
- Ferryboat
- Heavy Rail
- Hybrid Rail
- Inclined Plane
- Jitney
- Light Rail
- Monorail/Automated Guideway
- Other
- Público
- Streetcar
- Trolleybus
- Vanpool
string NTD mode, references the Modes and Types of Service section of the Introduction to the NTD Full Reporting Policy Manual
route_type_agency string Agency specific route type
shape_id string Identifies a geospatial shape that describes the vehicle travel path for a trip. References GTFS ID referencing shapes.shape_id
pattern_id string Identifies the unique stop-path for a trip, may be distinct from GTFS shapes.shape_id unique identifier for the route-pattern
direction_id Allowed Values
- 0
- 1
integer Indicates the direction of travel for a trip. References GTFS
operator_id string Identifies the vehicle’s operator. ID referencing operators.operator_id
block_id string Identifies the block to which the trip belongs. A block consists of a single trip, or many sequential trips made using the same vehicle, defined by shared service days and block_id. A block_id can have trips with different service days, making distinct blocks. See example in GTFS documentation. References GTFS ID referencing trips.block_id
trip_start_stop_id string Origin stop_id. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
trip_end_stop_id string Destination stop_id. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
schedule_trip_start datetime Scheduled departure time from the trip’s origin.
schedule_trip_end datetime Scheduled end timestamp at the trip’s destination.
actual_trip_start datetime Timestamp at which the vehicle departed its origin.
actual_trip_end datetime Timestamp at which the vehicle arrived at its destination.
trip_type Allowed Values
- In service
- Deadhead
- Layover
- Pullout
- Pullin
- Extra Pullout
- Extra Pullin
- Deadhead To Layover
- Deadhead From Layover
- Other not in service
string Indicates status of travel with regard to service.
schedule_relationship Allowed Values
- Scheduled
- Added
- Unscheduled
- Canceled
- Duplicated
string Indicates the status of the trip. References GTFS-realtime TripUpdate.trip.schedule_relationship

Supporting Tables



Measurement devices, such as AVL, APC, and AFC devices, associated with vehicles or stops or stations.

Primary key: {device_id}

name constraints type description title
device_id Required
string Identifies a device. If possible, this should match other internal agency device IDs.
stop_id string Identifies the stop (or other location) at which the device is located. May be null if the device is on a vehicle. References GTFS ID referencing GTFS stops.stop_id
vehicle_id string Identifies the vehicle on which the device is located. May be null if the device is at a stop or station. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
train_car_id string Identifies the train car or asset on which the device is located. May be null if the device is at a stop or station or if the Train_cars file is not used. ID referencing train_cars.train_car_id
device_type Allowed Values
- Farebox
- Fare gate
- Fare vending machine
- Passenger counter
- Vehicle location
- Other
string Indicates the type of device.
device_vendor string Vendor of the device.
device_model string Model of the device as specified by the vendor.
device_location string Indicates the location of a device on the vehicle or at a station. For example:
Front door.
Back door.
Entrance (not located on a vehicle).
Exit (not located on a vehicle).
Entrance/exit (not located on a vehicle).



Personnel who operate vehicles.

Primary key: {operator_id}

name constraints type description
operator_id Required
string Identifies an operator. If possible, this should match other internal agency operator IDs.

Train Cars


Assets that comprise vehicles, such as train cars, with descriptive information.

Primary key: {train_car_id}

name constraints type description
train_car_id Required
string Identifies a train car or asset. If possible, this should match other internal agency asset IDs.
model_name string Describes the train car or asset’s model.
facility_name string Name or internal agency ID for the facility where the train car or asset is generally held.
minimum: 0
integer Number of seats on the train car or asset.
minimum: 0
integer Number of wheelchair spaces on the train car or asset.
minimum: 0
integer Number of bike spaces on the train car or asset.
bike_rack boolean Indicates if the train car or asset has a usable bike rack.
minimum: 0
integer Standing capacity of the train car or asset set by the manufacturer.
train_car_type Allowed Values
- Train car
- Trolley
- Other
string Indicates the type of train car or asset.

Vehicle Train Cars


Relationships between assets and vehicles.

Primary key: {vehicle_id, train_car_id}

name constraints type description title
vehicle_id Required
string Identifies a vehicle, such as a train consist. If possible, this should match other internal agency vehicle IDs. ID referencing vehicles.vehicle_id
train_car_id Required
string Identifies a train car or an asset that is a component of the vehicle. ID referencing train_cars.train_car_id
minimum: 0
integer The assigned order of the train car or asset within the vehicle.
operator_id string Identifies an operator (person). If possible, this should match other internal agency operator IDs.



Vehicles, including buses and train consists, with descriptive information.

Primary key: {vehicle_id}

name constraints type description
vehicle_id Required
string Identifies a vehicle, such as a bus or a train consist. If possible, this should match other internal agency vehicle IDs and the GTFS-realtime VehicleDescriptor.
vehicle_start datetime The timestamp at which the vehicle or train consist is first in operation (i.e., when the consist has been created). Required if Train_car is used.
vehicle_end datetime The timestamp at which the vehicle or train consist no longer exists (i.e., the consist is separated or modified). Only used if Train_car is used.
model_name string Describes the vehicle’s model.
facility_name string Name or internal agency ID for the facility where the vehicle is generally held.
minimum: 0
integer Number of seats on the vehicle. Used if Train_car is not used.
minimum: 0
integer Number of wheelchair spaces on the vehicle. Used if Train_car is not used.
minimum: 0
integer Number of bike spaces on the vehicle. Used if Train_car is not used.
bike_rack boolean Indicates if the vehicle has a useable bike rack. Used if Train_car is not used.
minimum: 0
integer Standing capacity of the vehicle set by the manufacturer. Used if Train_car is not used.